Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Tales of Pirates II
Tales of Pirates 2

Skill Tweak 


Monday, 23 May 2011

tales of pirates how to make money online

tales of pirates how to make money online :)

we got many many ways to make a v easy money at tales of pirates , our ways is kinda so easy but u gonna make huge profit thought . u can make over 800 million per week 

Friday, 13 May 2011

Learn how to make your own skill tweak for tales of pirates

tales of pirates skill tweak

today i will show you how to edit the file "characterAction.xt" 
and what this file do , well its the file that animate your character skill movement 

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Camera tweak

ok today i will show you how to make the camera

 too high or too close :)

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

How To Make Your Own Skin

tales of pirates 

Eiltrin made great  guide on how to make your own skin :) check this out 

Skin Guide

tales of pirates Black Skin

tales of pirates 

black Skin is one of the awesome skins for tales of pirates :) download it and enjoy it

Its easy just replace the files at tales of pirates folder :)


tales of pirates ODS Skin

tales of pirates

Its easy to setup all you need to do is to Run ODSskin.exe  client and choose your game folder example " C:/ Tales of pirates "  :)  then enjoy your new awesome skin for tales of pirates 

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